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Godkiller (Godkiller, #1)

Godkiller (Godkiller, #1)

Author: Hannah Kaner
Harper Voyager
Goodreads | The StoryGraph

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Note: Content and trigger warnings are provided for those who need them at the bottom of this page. If you don’t need them and don’t want to risk spoilers, don’t scroll past the full review.

Cover Description

Gods are forbidden in the kingdom of Middren. Formed by human desires and fed by their worship, there are countless gods in the world—but after a great war, the new king outlawed them and now pays “godkillers” to destroy any who try to rise from the shadows.

As a child, Kissen saw her family murdered by a fire god. Now, she makes a living killing them and enjoys it. But all this changes when Kissen is tasked with helping a young noble girl with a god problem. The child’s soul is bonded to a tiny god of white lies, and Kissen can’t kill it without ending the girl’s life too.

Joined by a disillusioned knight on a secret quest, the unlikely group must travel to the ruined city of Blenraden, where the last of the wild gods reside, to each beg a favor. Pursued by assassins and demons, and in the midst of burgeoning civil war, they will all face a reckoning. Something is rotting at the heart of their world, and they are the only ones who can stop it.

TL;DR Review

Godkiller is a well-written, well-built start of a new fantasy series with characters you’ll love and worldbuilding you’ll swoon over. I definitely recommend it!

For you if: You love a sword-wielding butch bisexual woman (and fantasy in general, tbh).

Full Review

I’d heard plenty of exciting buzz around Godkiller, so when Harper Voyager sent me a review copy (thank you!), it jumped right to the top of my list. Happy to report this is a super-solid fantasy read with a whole new cast of characters to fall in love with!

Godkiller is set in a world where there are many gods, major and minor — all it takes is for people to begin praying to one in order for it to be born. The story takes place several years after a major war between the now-king and the gods, and in order to keep them under control, godkillers like Kissen (your new favorite sword-wielding butch who also, I might add, does it all on her prosthetic leg) are on the king’s payroll and practicing faith is illegal. We have four main characters — Kissen, a high-born girl named Inara, a minor god attached to her lifeforce named Skedi, and a former-war-hero-turned-baker named Elogast.

There is so much to dig about this book, including its robust worldbuilding — the good kind done well, not the overwhelming kind that slows you down. I also love a book that takes place a few years after the big war is over, a sort of “where are they now” feeling that shows that happily ever after is more complicated than we think. And I loved the prosthesis rep, the sapphic rep, all the rep!

My only (small) complaint is that I actually think this could have been longer. There was a little bit of tidiness that felt sort of commercialized to me, but I would have been happy to spend 50-100 more pages with this crew, easily. And so all that to say, I can’t wait for book two!


Content and Trigger Warnings

  • Fire/fire injury

  • Death of a parent and grief

  • Violence, war, and death

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