All tagged Middle Grade


If you like fantasy retellings and badass girl warriors, then my friend, this is the book for you. Especially if you’re familiar with King Arthur, Camelot, Excalibur, Merlin, and all that good stuff.

The Burning Maze (The Trials of Apollo #3)

Rating: 4.5/5 | I. LOVE. RICK. RIORDAN. Every time I read one of his books, I vow to be more critical and resist giving him yet another high-star review. I don't know why I do this. He never disappoints me. I am always entertained and even a bit moved. (Click the post to read more.)

The Dark Prophecy (The Trials of Apollo, #2)

Rating: 4/5 | I adore this series so far. Of course I have loved every book out of the Percy Jackson universe, but The Trials of Apollo is proving especially delightful. It has the same energetic, youthful adventure as the others, and it always manages to teach me something new about mythology. But it is also absolutely hilarious. (Click the post to read more.)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Illustrated Edition)

Rating: 5/5 (obviously) | I have read (or listened to) the Harry Potter books many, many times. Countless times. I have no idea how many times. But I have never before experienced the story like I did during this re-read: listening to Jim Dale's audiobook performance while reading along with the breathtaking new illustrated edition. And I highly recommend. (Click the post to read more.)

The Legend of Holly Claus

Rating: 5/5 | This book is one of the greatest dark horses of my life. My mother bought it for me many years ago, and I have re-read it several times since then. I also lend it to friends whenever I can, and they always love it as well. (Click the post to read more.)

The Giver Quartet

Rating: 5/5 | If you let the fact that this is a children's series stop you from reading it, you will have made one of the greatest mistakes of your life. This quartet is and probably always will be my #1 go-to recommendation to anyone who asks me what they should read next. (Click the post to read more.)